Institute for Economic and Social Research – Faculty of Economics and Business – Universitas Indonesia

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Research Projects of Foreign Institution

Friday May 9th, 2014


  1. Dampak Program Pelayanan Kesehatan Universal (Jamsoskes) di Sumatera Selatan
    The Impact of Universal Health Care Coverage (Jamsoskes) in south Sumatera
  2. Survei Penggunaan FTA oleh Sektor Swasta di Indonesia
    Survey on the Use of FTA by the Private Sector in Indonesia
  3. Resertifikasi Program Keluarga Harapan (Program Keluarga Harapan / PKH)
    Recertification of Program Keluarga Harapan (Family Hope  Programme/PKH)
  4. Memperlancar Perizinan Usaha (Kasus Jakarta)
    Streamlining Business Licensing Case of Jakarta
  5. Fasilitas Pendukung Pengurangan Tingkat Kemiskinan (Kredit Usaha Rakyat)
    Poverty Reduction Support Facility (PRSF) (Kredit Usaha Rakyat)
  6. Studi Pendahuluan untuk Kelayakan Evaluasi Dampak Program Asuransi Kesehatan Universal terhadap Kesehatan ibu dan Anak di Aceh, Indonesia
    Background Study for Feasibility of Impact Evaluation of Universal Health Insurance Impacts on Maternal and Child health in Aceh, Indonesia
  7. Studi Desain Keuangan Optimal untuk Pelayanan Asuransi Kesehatan Universal Melalui Analisis Model CGE
    The Study of Optimal Financial Design of Universal Coverage of Health Insurance Through CGE Model Analysis
  8. Strategi Pemetaan Industri Hijau untuk Indonesia
    Green Industry Mapping Strategy for Indonesia
  9. Mempersiapkan Bencana Alam: Perspektif ASEAN
    Preparing for Natural Disaster : ASEAN Perspectives
  10. Mekanisme Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Asia dan Pasifik
    Drivers of Poverty Reduction in Asia and the Pacific
  11. Mengendalikan Dampak Globalisasi terhadap Segitiga KemiskinanPertumbuhan-Kesenjangan: Sebuah Studi Perbandingan Internasional
    Controlling the Impact of Globalization on the Poverty-Growth-Inequality Triangle: An International Comparative Study
  12. Penyusunan Pedoman Mekanisme Evaluasi untuk Program Pembangunan Kapasitas International Indonesia
    Formulation of Guideline on Evaluation Mechanism for Indonesia's International Capacity Development Programs
  13. Dampak Ekonomi dan Fiskal PT.VALE INDONESIA TBK : Investasi dan Rencana Produksi
    The Economic and Fiscal Impact of PT.VALE INDONESIA TBK : Investment and Production Plan
  14. Mengidentifikasi Kendala Pelaksanaan Anggaran di Sektor Infrastruktur (DIPA Tracking Latihan)
    Identifying the Constraints on Budget Execution in Infrastructure Sector (DIPA Tracking Exercise)
  15. Survei Nasional Indikator Kepatuhan Kinerja (CPI)
    National Survey on Compliance Performance Indicators (CPI)
  16. Memahami Kepatuhan Terintegrasi Dengan Perdagangan Internasional dan Standar Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Komparasi Perspektif Dewan Penelitian Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora
    Understanding Integrated Compliance with International trade and human rights standards in comparative perspective social sciences and humanities research council
  17. Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (Studi pada Bank Pembangunan Nasional Dan Pembiayaan Publik di Indonesia: Kasus Infrastruktur)
    Bank Pembangunan Indonesia (The Study on National Development Bank And Public Financing in Indonesia: The Case of Infrastructure
  18. Pengumpulan Data Survei Pemberian Pelayanan Sosial  dan Jaminan Sosial di Era Desentralisasi di Indonesia
    Data Collection Survey on Social Service Delivery and Social Security in the Decentralized Indonesia
  19. Studi Kasus Kapasitas Indonesia untuk "South-South and Triangular Cooperation" (SSTC)
    Case Study for Indonesia's Capacity of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC)
  20. Menilai Pemberian Pelayanan Publik dalam  "Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Decentralization" (AIPD)
    Assessing Public Deliveries in Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralization (AIPD)
  21. Studi Kasus Hubungan antara Belanja Pemerintah Daerah Propinsi sebagai Kinerja Pelayanan Publik di Daerah
    Case Study on the Link between Sub-National Government Expenditures as Service Delivery Performance in the Regions
  22. Penduduk Miskin di Daerah Operasi Industri Ekstraksi Sumber Daya Alam
    Local Poor in the Operating Area of Natural Resources Extracting Industry
  23. Pertumbuhan Hijau di APEC & Pembiayaan Publik dan Swasta untuk Industri Hijau
    Green Growth in APEC & Public & Private Financing for Green Industries
  24. Data Entri Anggaran Pemerintah Daerah & Realisasi Tahun Anggaran 2008 & 2009
    Data Entry of Local Government Budget & Realization for Fiscal Year of 2008 & 2009
  25. Pemerintah dan Belanja Publik : Kasus Angkutan Jalan di Indonesia
    Governance & Public Expenditure: The Case of Road Transportation in Indonesia
  26. Pengumpulan Data Survei Pembangunan Daerah & Desentralisasi di Indonesia
    Data Collection Survey on Regional Development & Decentralization in Indonesia
  27. Survei 'Teleuse' di Bawah Piramida4 di Jawa, Indonesia
    Survey on Teleuse at the Bottom of the Pyramid-4 in Java, Indonesia
  28. Perubahan Iklim dan "Green Asia" (CCGA)
    Climate Change and Green Asia (CCGA)
  29. Studi mengenai Dampak yang Diharapkan dari Agenda Doha Development terhadap Ekonomi Indonesia
    Study on the Expected Impact of Doha Development Agenda on Indonesia's Economy
  30. Kajian Survey Kebijakan Perumahan Global
    Study of Global Housing Policy Survey
  31. Populasi dan Pemulihan Ekonomi di Daerah Pesisir Aceh: Donor dan Lembaga Desa
    Population and Economic Recovery in Coastal Aceh: Aid and Village Institutions
  32. Pemetaan Kegiatan Sosial
    Social Mapping Activities
  33. Reformasi Jaminan Sosial & Modeling Ekonomi Pembangunan Kapasitas
    Social Security Reform & Economic Modeling Capacity Building
  34. Studi Latar Belakang: Infrastruktur Transportasi dan Integrasi Sub-Regional di Indonesia
    Background Paper : Transport Infrastructure and Sub-Regional Integration in Indonesia
  35. Survei Dampak Krisis Ekonomi Global terhadap Iklim Investasi di Indonesia (MICI 5)
    Survey of the Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Indonesia's Investment Climate (MICI 5)
  36. Akses Usaha Kecil dan Menengah terhadap Sektor Keuangan di Ekonomi Asia Timur
    Small & Medium Entreprises (SMEs) Access to Finance in Selected East Asian Economies
  37. Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah dan Reformasi Pemerintahan
    Local Government Finance and Governance Reform
  38. Menyadari MDG Melalui Kebijakan-Kebijakan Makroekonomi yang Sosial Inklusif
    Realizing the MDG's Through Socially Inclusive Macroeconomics Policies
  39. Mengestimasi Dampak Kompetisi Layanan SMS terhadap Kesejahteraan Konsumen
    Estimating the Impact of Competition in text Message Service to Consumer Welfare
  40. Dampak Mobilitas Bisnis dalam Mengurangi Biaya Transaksi Perdagangan di APEC
    The Impact of Business Mobility in Reducing Trade Transaction Cost in APEC




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