Institute for Economic and Social Research – Faculty of Economics and Business – Universitas Indonesia

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Staff Publication

Friday September 6th, 2013


Ari Kuncoro


Varieties of Governance of Public Goods Delivery in Indonesia:The Case of Roads after Decentralization and Local Democratization (with Vid Adrison and Ifa Isfandiarni)


Globalization and Innovation in Indonesia: Evidence from Micro-Data on Medium and Large Manufacturing Establishments


Volunteerism after the tsunami: democratization and aid


Aid, social capital and village public goods: after the tsunami (with J. Vernon Henderson and Tiago Freire)


Livelihood Recovery after Natural Disasters and the Role of Aid: The Case of the 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake (with Budy P. Resosudarmo and Catur Sugiyanto)


Sick of Local Government Corruption? Vote Islamic (with J. Vernon Henderson)


Corruption in Indonesia (with J. Vernon Henderson)


The new laws of decentralization and corruption in Indonesia: Examination of provincial and district data


Industrial Development in Cities (with J. Vernon Henderson)


Vid Adrison


Varieties of Governance of Public Goods Delivery in Indonesia: The Case of Roads after Decentralization and Local Democratization (with Ari Kuncoro and Ifa Isfandiarni)


Estimating the Effect of Penalties on Regulatory Compliance (Georgia State University Ph.D Economic Dissertation)


The Effect of Money Supply and Government Expenditure Shock in Indonesia: Symmetric or Asymmetric? (Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Working Paper 0218)


I Kadek Dian Sutrisna Artha


Financial crises: impact on central bank independence, output and inflation


Labor Market Flexibility and the Impact of the Financial Crisis (with Jakob de Haan)


Teguh Dartanto


Why Growth Less Inclusive in Indonesia? ADB Working Paper Series


Intra-generation Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia: Lessons on Household’s Mobility into (out) of Poverty During 1993-2007, (JICA Working Paper).

Measurements and Determinants of Multifaceted Poverty: Absolute, Relative, and Subjective Poverty in Indonesia, JICA-Research Institute Working Paper No.54.

The Determinants of Fertility in Southeast and South Asian Countries: An Analysis of Panel Data 2003-2008, (Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development Vol.37 No.3 pp.1-22).

Reducing Fuel Subsidies and the Implication on Fiscal Balance and Poverty in Indonesia: A Simulation Analysis (Energy Policy, Vol.58 pp.117-134).

The Determinants of Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia: Evidence from Panel Data (with Nurkholis) (Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Vol.49 No.1, pp:61-84).

The Application of an Endogenous Poverty Line and Its Relationship with the Poverty Impact of Economic Shocks: An Empirical Investigation (the Singapore Economic Review, Vol.58, No.1, (25 pages)).


The 2008 Corporate Income Tax Reform and Its Contribution to Poverty Reduction in Indonesia

Reducing Fuel Subsidies and the Implication on Fiscal Balance and Poverty in Indonesia: A Simulation Analysis

Perempuan, Pernikahan dan Reproduksi Kemiskinan (Women, Marital Status and Poverty Reproduction) in Gender and Poverty Reproduction in Indonesia ed. Keppi Sukesi (Brawijaya University).


A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Application of an Endogenous Poverty Line and Its Relationship with the Poverty Impact of Policy Reform, Working Paper, Department of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, June 2011.

Does a Choice between an Endogenous and Fixed Poverty Line Affect the Poverty Outcome of Policy Reforms?, (Modern Economy, Vol.2, No.4, pp.667-673. DOI:10.4236/me.2011.24074)

Finding out of the Determinants of Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia: Evidence from Panel Data (with Nurkholis)

Should Government Complement Zero Import Tariffs with Other Policies to Protect the Poor from Increase in the World Soybean Prices in Indonesia? (the Empirical Economic Letter, Vol.10, No 6, pp.551-559.)

Volatility of World Soybean Prices, Import Tariffs and Poverty in Indonesia: A CGE-Microsimulation Analysis, (Margin-the Journal of Applied Economic Research, Vol.5: 2 (2011), pp.139-181. DOI: 10.1177/097380101100500201)


Volatility of world rice prices, import tariffs and poverty in Indonesia: a CGE-microsimulation analysis

The relationship between corruption and public investment at the municipalities’ level in Indonesia

Income Shocks and Consumption Smoothing Strategies: An Empirical Investigation of Maize Farmer’s Behavior in Kebumen, Central Java, Indonesia,(Modern Economy, Volume 1, Number 03 (Nov.2010), pp.149-155. DOI: 10.4236/me.2010.13017) with Nurkholis


Measuring the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policies on Alleviating Poverty Incidence in Indonesia: A CGE-Microsimulation Model Analysis

The Economic Impact of 2009 Election in Indonesia, Inovasi Online, Vol.14/XXI/Juli 2009,

Kerjasama Antar Daerah dan Peningkatan Layanan Masyarakat (Regional Cooperation on Improving Public Services), in Sewindu Otonomi book

Daerah: Perspektif Ekonomi, KPPOD: Jakarta


The Demand for Children in South East and South Asian Countries: An Analysis of Panel Data 2003-2007


Gasoline price, subsidy, energy policy and poverty in Indonesia (Japan: Inovasi Vol.5/XVII/Nov 2005, .

The Impact of hiking fuel price in 2005 toward the poverty in Indonesia (LPEM FEBUI: Working Paper No.9, March 2005) with M.Ikhsan, M.Herman S, and Usman


The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization in Indonesia to the Regional Disparity and Economic Growth: A Simultaneous Macro Econometric Approach (Indonesian Journal of Economic and Development, Vol 4 No.1) with Bambang P. S. Brodjonegoro PhD).


Application of Logistic Regression to Determine Consumer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Kelurahan Fried Chicken. (Engineering Journal Vol.2/V JulI 2002: Engineering Faculty, Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Surakarta).


Arianto A. Patunru


Why Growth Less Inclusive in Indonesia? ADB Working Paper Series.


Return to Scale in Agriculture : A Suggested Theoritical Framework


Do Consumer Buy Advertising?

Demand Uncertainty and The Decision to Extract: A Tour on The Oil Economics Literature and Suggested Improvement

Muhammad Chatib Basri


Manufacturing Protection: Protecting Cronies?

Mohamad Ikhsan


Efektivitas Nilai Tukar Nominal Sebagai Instrumen Untuk Mendorong Nonmigas: Tinjauan Literatur

Koperasi Merupakan Substitusi atau Komplemen Terhadap Ekonomi Pasar? Suatu Catatan Pendek

Kiki Verico



Sole author of book (Monograph)

Verico, K (2017). The Future of ASEAN Economic Integration. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 1-269 (Monograph)


chapter in book

Verico, K (2017), Perdagangan Internasional Indonesia Menuju 2030 dan Seterusnya, in Indonesia Tahun 2030: Ide dan Gagasan Ekonom Muda FEB UI, eds pp.75-104, Kontan Publishing: DKI Jakarta

Fukuoka, Y and Verico, K (2016). Indonesia – China Economic Relations in the Twenty-First Century: Opportunities and Challenges in Young-Chan Kim (ed). Chinese Global Production Networks in ASEAN. Springer: Switzerland, pp.53-68 (Book Chapter)

Resosudarmo, B., Verico, K., and Pasaribu, D (2015). Evaluating the Importance of Australia-Indonesia Economic Relations in Missbach, A., and Purdey, J (Eds.). Linking People: Connections and Encounters between Australians and Indonesians. Regiospectra: Berlin, pp.49-71 (Book Chapter)

Peer Reviewed article in journal

Verico, K (2016). The Key Factors of Economic Integration in Southeast Asia: Case of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand Journal of ASEAN Studies, 4(2), 107-126


Verico, K (2015). Open-Ended Impact of AFTA on FDI Inflows: Evidence of Macro Level Data of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand and Firm Level Data of Indonesia. Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development (JECD), 36(2), 91-123


Verico, K. (2013). Economic Cooperation in Natural Rubber: Impacts on Natural Rubber’s World Supply and Indonesia’s Economy. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, 10(2), 75-93


Verico, K. (2011). The Impact of Direct Bilateral Free Trade Agreement (BFTA) to ASEAN’s Intra-Regional Trade & Individual Country’s Investment Creation: The Case of Indonesia, Malaysia & Thailand, 1988 -2008. Journal of Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 59(2), 191-214

Verico, K. & Batubara, W. (2010). Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation in Southeast Asia: ITRO’s Effect to Rubber FDI Inflows & Indonesia’s Economic Multipliers, 1990 – 2007. Journal of Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 58(2), 173-195

Verico, K. (2007). The Impact of ASEAN’s Intra Trade to FDI Inflows from Non Member-States: The Cases of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, 1987-2006. Journal of Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 55(3), 253-280


Peer reviewed of Book review and PH.d abstract in journal

Verico, K. (2017). The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Path to Free Trade in the Asia Pacific (book review). Journal of Southeast Asian Economies, 34(2), 419-420

Verico, K. (2014). Indonesia in ASEAN: Vision and Reality and the ASEAN Economic Community: A Work in Progress (book review). Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 50(3), 502-505


Verico, K. (2013). The Impacts of Discriminative Trade Arrangements on Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Trade in Southeast Asia during the 1988–2008 Period (PhD abstract). Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 49(2), 238-239.

Verico, K. (2013). Asian Responses to the Global Financial Crisis: The Impact of Regionalism and the Role of the G20 (book review). Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 49(1), 124-125


Verico, K. (2018). Does Indonesia Macroeconomic Work Well Towards the Political Year? April 11th, LPEM FEB UI Working Paper No 19, April’s-macroeconomy-work-well-towards-the-political-year/



Verico, K. (2018). Indonesia dalam Bingkai Integrasi Ekonomi Kawasan. March 15th, MPRA


Verico, K. (2017). Indonesia towards 2030 and beyond: A Long Run International Trade Foresight. June 7th, MPRA


Economic Cooperation in Natural Rubber: Impacts on Natural Rubber’s World Supply and Indonesia’s Economy

The Impacts of Discriminative Trade Arrangements on Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Trade in Southeast Asia during the 1988–2008 Period

Asian Responses to the Global Financial Crisis: The Impact of Regionalism and the Role of the G20

Association of Southeast Asian Nations Plus Three (ASEAN+3) Cooperation on Energy, Transport, and Information & Communications Technology

The Economic Integration of ASEAN+3


[MPRA] The Impact of Intra Regional Trade Agreement on FDI Infows in Southeast Asia: Case of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand



Local economic structure, productivity growth, and industry life cycle: evidence from Indonesia. Asia Pacific Journal of Regional Science. Springer.


FDI Spillover Effects on Productivity Varying from the Size of Firm and Industries in Indonesia. International Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises and Business Sustainability. Vol 2, Issue 03, Pages 51 – 59.

Trends and Determinants of the Geographical Distribution of Economic Activities: Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing. Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics, Vol 7, Issue 1, Pages 18-47.


Analisis Perilaku Kolusif pada Tender Perbaikan Jalan di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2011-2014. Journal Kebijakan Ekonomi, Vol 11, Issue 1, Pages 1-20.

Optimalisasi Kebijakan Pemanfaatan Lahan dengan Pola Mix Land Use Terhadap Perencanaan Prasarana Pendidikan dan Kesehatan di Kota Batam. Journal Kebijakan Ekonomi, Vol 11, Issue 1, Pages 46-59.

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